TWAEA “International Internship Program” was specially published in the INQAAHE Newsletter Q3 (September)

TWAEA “International Internship Program” was specially published in the INQAAHE Newsletter Q3 (September)

Catalyze the Engine of Cross-border Exchange and Innovation - TWAEA Promotes the “International Internship Program” with JUAA and ONESQA
Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association (TWAEA)
Since 2017, Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association (TWAEA), Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA), and Thailand’s Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) have taken turns in hosting staff exchange activities. Despite the break out of pandemic, we continue to maintain open communications through online conferences, strengthening the bonds among each other. In view of this, the idea of the “International Internship Program” among three agencies was first proposed in 2023, and TWAEA served as the organizer of the first round of the program.
On August 17, the online orientation ceremony was held to introduce details regarding the program. Subsequently, the first exchange event, an explanation session for evaluated institutions, was organized on August 23. The footage of the session was simultaneously played through live streaming, enabling international interns to actively experience it through real-time online connection.
With the lifting of border restrictions, international interactions and exchanges are now resumed. This year, we will facilitate the visit of international interns to Taiwan during December 18-22 to engage in the institutional evaluation process. As we eagerly welcome the return of in-person activities, this initiative aims to foster meaningful physical exchanges and deepen the network of professional collaborations among international partners.


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