Successful Completion of TWAEA 2023 International Webinar "From Quality Assurance to Sustainable Development"

Successful Completion of TWAEA 2023 International Webinar "From Quality Assurance to Sustainable Development"

In recent years, the international situation has changed dramatically, and the diverse challenges and changes have influenced the development of higher education. Governments and educational institutions worldwide are unswervingly committed to achieving the fourth goal of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all." To discuss how quality assurance aids higher education institutions in realizing the SDGs amidst global trends, the Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association (TWAEA) collaborated with the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA) and Thailand's Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) to host the 2023 International Webinar "From Quality Assurance to Sustainable Development - How QA Advances the SDGs in Higher Education Institutions with a Global Approach" on October 17, 2023.
The webinar invited scholars and education practitioners from Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and other regions to participate in the event to discuss in-depth the key development in the field of higher education, addressing on three major topics, "Cross-border Communication", "Crises and Opportunities in the Digital and Pandemic Era," and "Strategies for Sustainable Development in Education", sharing experiences and innovative practical results. In addition to the main online conference held by TWAEA's Teams platform, ONESQA broadened the webinar's reach by streaming it on Facebook. Roughly 650 participants from Europe and Asia spanning 15 countries had attended. Cross-border and cross-cultural exchanges not only stimulated intellectual discussions but also offered valuable insights and recommendations for higher education institutions.
Summarizing the wonderful speeches, quality assurance agencies are perceived as pivotal roles in enabling higher education institutions to deliver quality education. In terms of implementing the United Nations' SDGs 4, the responsibility of QA agencies is indeed a top priority and has an indispensable mission. Because they are familiar with the universities' current situations and future needs, including the challenges faced by these institutions; with their rich experiences and expertise, QA agencies are well-equipped to assist universities in navigating diverse scenarios.
Furthermore, QA agencies promote and ensure that higher education institutions can offer top-notch education. They aim to train students to face current difficulties and accept further challenges to become global citizens, and also commit to sustainable development through various mechanisms. Cross-border communication among QA agencies is not only beneficial to the global educational system, universities, and learners, but also helpful to recognize educational qualifications in establishing best practices, standardizing educational implementations worldwide, and promoting inclusivity of higher education enhancement.
Observations from diverse perspectives underscore the indispensable role of QA agencies in achieving quality education. Understanding the current global development landscape and trends can help QA agencies address challenges, focus on key strategic initiatives, and solidify foundations for future sustainable growth. This webinar facilitated discussions among experts from global educational quality assurance, igniting cross-border exchanges among international agencies. The collective aim is to advance higher education and realize a more equitable and high-quality educational system, thereby actualizing the core objectives of the United Nations' SDGs.
Image: Chairman of TWAEA, Dr. Chi-Yeh Yung, and Participants at the 2023 International Webinar "From Quality Assurance to Sustainable Development"
Image: Lively Discussions at the Live-streaming Venue of the TWAEA 2023 International Webinar




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