Launch of TWAEA’s “TIRC Program” in 2023 Cross-border Survey on University students’ Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction

Launch of TWAEA’s “TIRC Program” in 2023 Cross-border Survey on University students’ Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction 

The wave of globalization has significantly impacted the higher education sector, prompting institutions to transcend geographical limitations and engage in competitive interactions that are evolving in novel ways. Taiwan's higher education institutions are under the influence of of internationalization, declination of birth rates, and the popularization of educational opportunities due to the complex and changing environment.
Consequently, these institutions must persistently engage in learning and improving to effectively adapt to the evolving circumstances. International cooperation is an imperative necessity for accelerating development and competitiveness enhancement. How universities develop their distinct attributes and cultivate diverse values still rely on data- driven, evidence- based research on school affairs.
Since 2018, the cross-border survey on university students' learning outcomes and satisfaction organized by TWAEA’s "TIRC Program" has gathered positive reception from institutions in Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam. To deepen the analytical significance of student data and facilitate cross- border comparisons among schools in Taiwan, TWAEA intends to persist with the survey this year. Additionally, TWAEA will establish a collaborative partnership with a reputable evaluation organization in Mongolia. The survey was officially initiated on April 10, 2023, and is scheduled to remain active until July 7, 2023.
It is anticipated that through the engagement of universities and colleges nationwide, we can facilitate the development of a novel approach to institutional research. By collecting analysis reports and conducting cross- border comparative analysis, it provides a reference for institutions to track students’ learning outcomes and satisfaction. We hope to examine the impact of teaching activities on students to build international institutional research network, and facilitate cross- border comparisons among institutions. These endeavors are crucial in formulating a novel framework for advancement.


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