Management Education (2nd Edition)

Management Education (2nd Edition)

Publication date:2014/02
Price:NTD 320
Publisher:Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association

Founding and Honorary Chairman of TWAEA, Dr. Paul S.C. Hsu, shared his afterthoughts gained from several decades of experiences in the field of management education into the publication of Management Education. The book focuses on two core concepts - one being the logic behind the existence of universities, including the branding and the customers of universities, universities’ management beliefs and core values, universities’ culture and ethics, innovation and accumulated knowledge, and the assessment and evaluation systems established to maintain necessary standards of an university; and the other being management education.

The book was republished in 2014, and the content was separated into two levels – universities and management education. Under the first level, discussions of university positioning, characteristics, and promotion of improvement forces were made. And under the management level, Taiwan’s historical background and evolution of management education as well as promotion of professional colleges were explained; Taiwan’s experiences and future prospects of management education were also mentioned. These two levels outlined and described the obstacles that Taiwan’s higher education is currently facing, for example, the declining quality of higher education, unemployment of newly graduated students, low birth rates, disappearing existence of universities, and other practical concerns.


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